

Cat Ba leopard geckoNew species discovered in the Greater Mekong at risk of extinction due to climate change
Greater Mekong – A bird eating fanged frog, a gecko that looks like it’s from another planet and a bird which would rather walk than fly, are among the 163 new species discovered in the Greater Mekong region last year that are now at risk of extinction due to climate change, says a new report launched by WWF ahead of UN climate talks in Bangkok.

During 2008 alone, scientists identified these rare and unique species within the jungles and rivers of the Greater Mekong, including a bird eating fanged frog that lies in streams waiting for prey, one of only four new species of musk shrew to be described in recent times, and a leopard gecko whose “other world” appearance - orange eyes, spindly limbs and technicolour skin - inspired the report’s title Close Encounters.

WWFが発表したPDF(Greater Mekong new species report 5.18 MB pdf)によると発見された新種は、アロカシアやホマロメナ、ムサなどの植物が100種、プラー(ナマズ)などの魚類が28種、ホソユビヤモリなどの爬虫類が18種、モリアオガエルなどの両生類が14種、テングコウモリなどの哺乳類が2種、モリチメドリなど鳥類が1種。
