

昨日、iBlog latest buildにしてからディレクトリは作られるけどファイルがアップできないという不具合があったのですが、今日すべて解決しましたヽ(´ー`)ノ

Here are the new fixes and features in the latest build.

1. Improved FTP uploading.

iBlog uses the built-in curl command line tool in Mac OS X for FTP. For some reason sometimes only folders are created and the actual files are not uploaded to the server. We are working on fixing this issue. In the meantime we added a new implementation that uses ncftp command line tool. ncftp is a popular command line tool for FTP since early 90's. iBlog checks to see if ncftp is installed if so, it uses it instead of curl.

Here are the links to download ncftp client for Mac OS X.

Click here to download ncftp client for Mac OS X 10.2

Click here to download ncftp client for Mac OS X 10.3.2 or later

Both these downloads come in a package/installer format. Just launch the installer and follow the steps. The client is installed in /usr/bin (/usr/bin/ncftp). You need the administrator login name and password to install this package.

Now launch iBlog and choose "Reset Publish State and Publish" to republish your blog site using ncftp.



Posted: Fri - January 23, 2004 at 11:22 AM  |   |   |  Macintosh  |  このエントリーを含むはてなブックマーク  | ランキングを見てみる
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