MacBook のハードディスクは簡単に取替え可能!?


image Apple's MacBook sports user-replaceable hard disks
Flipping a MacBook upside down and removing its rectangular lithium-polymer battery reveals two RAM slots, placed side-by-side on one wall of the battery cavity. Two metal levers aid in releasing or securing RAM in the slots.

Each RAM slot is capable of accepting up to 1GB of 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM, for a max of 2GB. For the best performance, Apple recommends that RAM modules be installed as pairs, with an equal amount of memory in each slot.

Below the two RAM slots (at the base of the battery cavity) is where you’ll find the MacBook’s hard disk drive. Without disassembling the notebook, users will be able to quickly removing some protective aluminum shielding and lift the drive out of the computer.


須山歯研【番外】MacBook 13”バラし

Posted: Wed - May 17, 2006 at 10:35 AM  |   |   |  Macintosh  |  このエントリーを含むはてなブックマーク  | ランキングを見てみる
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